Saturday, 7 May 2011

Female Reproductive Quizzes

The dilated and hemorrhagic fallopian tube seen in this photograph is most consistent with?

a. acute salpingitis
b. adenocarcinoma
c. ectopic preganancy
d. it's normal
The correct answer is ectopic Pregnancy

Question 2
This large encapsulated myometrial tumor is most consistent with

a. a leiomyoma
b. endometrial carcinoma
c. a former placental implantation site
d. a teratoma
A Liomyoma

Question 3
The following two photographs are of a vulvar lesion from a 61 year old woman. They are most most consistent with

a. a staphylococcal infection
b. a leiomyoma of the skin
c. endometriosis
d. invasive squamous cell carcinoma
The correct answer is: d

Question 4
This cystic ovarian tumor

a. is almost certainly malignant
b. could be the source of ectopic thyroid hormone
c. is likely producing Beta HCG
d. is an example of endometriosis
The correct answer is: b

Question 5
A 32 year-old female had a cervical punch biopsy following an abnormal Pap smear. Based on the histology, which of the following should be done?

a. cervical cone biopsy
b. antibiotic therapy with repeat punch biopsy in three months
c. hysterectomy with lymph node dissection
d. topical estrogen therapy
The correct answer is: a

Question 6
The following picture is of a large, multicloculated mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary. Tumors of this type are known what tumor marker or hormome?

a. Beta HCG
b. progesterone
c. Alpha fetoprotein
d. These tumors produce no homrome or marker.
The correct answer is: d

Question 7
The following phototographs are of a tissue from a D&C of a woman who was thought to be pregnant but had spontaneously aborted. The circled area highlights atypical trophoblastic material. The surgical report described the tissue as looking like a cluster of grapes. Follow up of this woman must include

a. Serial Beta HCG determinations.
b. Since she has aborted, no follow up is needed.
c. A one time serum estrogen level.
d. Serial PAP smears at least monthly for the next six months.
The correct answer is: a

Question 8
The woman from the previous question continued to experience vaginal bleeding and was shown to have markedly elevated Beta HCG levels several weeks following the spontaneous abortion. Surgery was needed and the following picture is of her uterus. Given the history, the highlighted area is most consistent with

a. a leiomyoma
b. an invasive mole
c. adenocarcinoma of the endometrium
d. metastatic cervical cell carcinoma
The correct answer is: b

Question 9
Carcinoma of the cervix usually begins at the junction of the.

a. ectocervix and endocervix
b. endocervix and endometrium
c. deep and superficial endocervical glands
d. vagina and cervix
The correct answer is: a

Question 10
Except for one pregnancy during her mid twenties, this 51 year-old woman had had regular menstrual periods since the age of 15 until one year ago. At that time she began to have intermenstrual bleeding. This has increased in frquency and severity so that during most of the last month there has been some spotting each day and several times bleeding was profuse. Physical examination revealed left adnexal mass the size of a grapefruit and a small trickle of blood coming from the cervical os. A diagnostic D & C was performed.

The disease process which best characterizes this picture is

a. secretory endometrium
b. hyperplasia of endometrium
c. adenocarcinoma of endometrium
d. products of conception
The correct answer is: c

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